Sunday, May 31, 2009

May 31, 2009

WE MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just after noon on the day I posted the last blog we made our way to the hotel lobby to check out and wait for the shuttle to the airport.  The couple previously mentioned (our fellow amoeba) were also in the lobby so we had a good chance to chat with them.  She is from Oklahoma (works in the district attorney's office in okc) and he is from Colorado (works for an airline that partners with Delta).  They met about a year ago online.... what a fun story.  We had a lot of fun with them while waiting for the shuttle as they were quite funny.  As I had said before, they were on their way to Zurich where her sister, brother-in-law, and their children live.  They are only going to be their for a little over a week so we Really hope they made their flight!
We made it to the airport without a hitch and then went to check on the luggage situation.  All of our bags had made it to the airport and were waiting for us to catch a plane.  The only hitch was that they were not able to forward them on to Newcastle so that meant hauling them around Manchester, but all in all.... we were very happy to even Have luggage  =)
We stood in line for check-in (only took us an hour and a half) and David chatted with this lovely old man that was on his way to a medical mission in Africa... very sweet.  I spent the time rocking the push-chair back and forth to keep Daniel happy and guiding Joshua while he was playing his game-boy (he left his DS at his Pia and Mia's house).
Once we were all checked in we went through the security check point.... which, by the way, is a MUST DO with a stroller!.... One gets to take the short-cut with a stroller!!!  Then we went to our gate to wait in a cozy little spot just perfect for a family of four.  There was a table at our spot where we played Swipe and Spite & Malice.  We took a few walks as well to keep the circulation working.  On one of these walks Joshua and I passed the smoke room and he reckoned that an airport smoke room must be the smelliest place on earth and if he had to wait for a plane in the smoke room he might just be dead before the plane got there.... HAHAHA!!! (that boy cracks me up).
Happy, happy, joy, joy.... the lady that was helping David with gate check-in was from Ivory Coast and was incredibly pleased to be helping a fellow African.  We got on the plane and were all sitting together.  The boys really didn't sleep much on the flight and Dave and I didn't sleep at all, but, hey.... who can complain when one is on their way to EUROPE FOR TWO MONTHS!!!!!
We landed without a hitch (always nice on a flight) and made our way down to baggage claim to claim all 3 of our bags.  After our bags were collected and strapped together we began our marathon over to the train station.. I say marathon because I'm sure it was at least 26 miles away.  (ok, not really, but it sure seemed far with no sleep, bloated tum, and an upset baby).
Train tickets......      check.
Call Dave's stepmom.......       check.
Hop on the train......         check.
Fall asleep......       hmmmm.... well, 3 out of 4 is not bad.
Joshua liked taking the train from Manchester to Newcastle, but he did not sleep a wink even though he was sooooo tired.  Daniel did fall asleep for about an hour or so... happy about that!
Next stop......            Newcastle!!!
LOVED hearing that!!!!!  
So we get off the train with the help of some lovely lady that lives in Durham coming to Newcastle for the afternoon only to realize that in all the business of leaving I had completely forgotten to get the directions from the train station to Eldon Square (where we were supposed to meet Dave's Stepmom and Dad for the surprise arrival).  The lady was standing there as this realization hit us.  She said that she just happened to be on her way to Eldon Square... "and He will make thy path straight".  She was just too lovely.  She pulled two of our carry-on bags all the way as she lead us through the jam packed streets of Newcastle.  On our way we saw an African Gospel singing group.  Dave reckoned they were from Africa somewhere, but I'm thinking they must have been either from the states or at least in the states for a long time due to the Americanish accent they displayed.
We made it to Eldon Square and waited.  And waited.  And waited.  And waited.  (in reality it was probably only 30 minutes, but when one is working on no sleep it seems much, much longer).  Finally, we decided that a phone call to Liz was in order.  Good thing we did because she had not received our message we left from the train station and did not even know we had made it to the country yet.  Luckily, her son happened to be at her house so he came to collect us.
We hauled our bags over 2 city blocks to Mark's car where a taxi was also sitting.... good thing because we needed a taxi as well to hold our luggage.
We finally arrived at Dave's Dad's house at 2pm. It was great to see Liz again (a really sweet woman).  Rob was at work and would not be in until 7pm.  So we had a nice cup of tea and let Daniel play with Katie (Mark's daughter).  They hit it off really well.  Katie turns 1 next Sunday.
Finally, Rob came home.  Here is the result.......
Needless to say, he was INCREDIBLY pleased to find us in his kitchen that day!!!!!
We had supper together and chatted and chatted and watched the final of Britain's Got Talent.... YAY Diversity!.... and then fell asleep before they even announced the results.  Daniel woke up at midnight and was really upset.  Turns out he was just starving!  After he ate, played, and messed a diaper we laid him down between us thinking this would help him stay asleep.  Our thinking proved correct and he stayed asleep until well after 10.
The next morning, this morning, we slept in and had a lazy breakfast.  After that we walked up to their allotment (a plot of land used for gardening).  Dave, Rob, Granddad, and Joshua were already there and working hard by the time Daniel woke and Liz and I made it there.
Lovely, yummy garden.  Liz picked some rhubarb to make us a rhubarb crumble later.  Joshua took a couple of the giant rhubarb leaves, stuck them in his pits and said they were his hang gliders.  hahahaha!
We were not long at the allotment as Mark was giving a braai (cookout) at Rob and Liz's place and he was to arrive at 3:30.
Yummy food, fun friends, sweet babies.... I must tell about this another day... I'm tired!  It's 2:30 in the morning... mind you, that's only 8:30pm OK time, but I also woke up at 10am which is 4am OK time.
Amy (Dave & the little 'uns)