Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 2, 2009

(May 29) This is in the Atlanta airport in the baggage claim area.  I had never noticed it before, but leave it to Joshua, nothing gets by that boy.
I think it looks rather cool!
Here we are playing a game of Spite & Malice.  I believe Amy won this game!!!  Daniel is pushing his car around as usual.
(May 31)  Here we are at the allotment.  Joshua and Daniel were having a great time together!
This was at the braai that Mark had at Rob and Liz's.  On the far left is Dave's Gramps, next to him is Rob, Dave's Dad.  The other couple is Dirk and Pip.  Dirk is from Holland and Pip is from Newcastle.  Dirk likes to talk about current affairs and Pip likes to jump out of planes.
I just love this pic of Gramps and Rob.
This is Katie.  Her first birthday is in just a few days.  She and Daniel played like great friends. Katie is a bit rough for a girl, so she is just perfect for Daniel!  Katie is the daughter of Liz's son, Mark.  Her Mum is Louise; she is a sweet, lovely girl.
This is Louise with Katie.
This is Robby, Nakita and their son Jack.  They were at the braai.  Jack is 18 months old and has cerebral palsy.   Such amazing people, the outlook they have on life!  Jack is very sweet and entertained us with his trick of rolling from tummy to back...  sweet laugh!!!  Nakita went to school with Louise.
Daniel really enjoyed his bath in the sink.  Rob and Liz only have a shower, but Daniel doesn't seem phased.  Although, by the look on his face, I am wondering what he is up to????
Grandpa is just in LOVE with his little boys!!!  They are all having such a blast together... what a special time!
Dave and his Dad walked down to the corner store, which is literally half a block away, to collect some rolls and I snuck behind a car to capture this pic.
Yesterday, June 1st, Dave and I went to ASDA (the English Wal-mart) to get some necessities such as Daniel's juice, bread rolls, gift for Katie, prize for Joshua (he won the Quiet Game and therefore was given a 1 pound gift), ingredients for dump cake, scones, jam, and clotted cream... etc.  We had a fun time catching the bus and walking around the English shops.  On the way home, however, we couldn't find the bus that we needed to bring us all the way back up the hill just close to where we are staying, so we took one that would bring us to Blaydon bus station instead, which meant we would have to walk all the way up the hill ourselves.
YIKES....... am I UnFiT!!!!!!  Of course, we were carrying some packages as well, but, man, that was a looooooooong haul!  After we had gone straight up, for what seemed like at least a mile, we walked across a couple of streets to catch our breath,.... well...., to catch MY breath!  I felt like I was going to puke!  Maybe after walking that road all summer I will be fit as a fiddle!!!!
When we made it back home we were informed that Gogs (Liz) had a time with Daniel while they and Joshua were out for a walk. 
Evidently, Daniel had messed his diaper in the most explosive of ways and it had gone all up his back and everything.  The closest place to go was Aunty Mary's house (Gramps's sister).  So they made their way over to Aunty Mary's an gave Daniel a bath.
Today, we have just lounged around all day.  We were planning to go to Uncle John and Aunty Laura's house (Gramps's sister-in-law), but they were not up to taking visitors today and requested that we come tomorrow instead.  So... looks like tomorrow we will go-a-callin'.
Also today, I am thinking very much about my niece as she is getting married on Saturday.  I hope she isn't too busy and is able to really enjoy her wedding week.  *LOVE YOU STEF*!!!!!
God bless!!!!!
We're still finding it difficult to get to sleep at a decent hour and wake at a reasonable time, but I'm sure this will come eventually.